One year ago, we started the MadHATTERs weekly magazine. Since then, we never missed a single issue! This month, we celebrate our one year old birthday by coming out with a special issue - available online and in a printed tabloid version! Enjoy!
HAT Project Research Team. (2016) HAT Briefing Paper 6 : Personal data exchange ecosystem : code of practice release 1. Working Paper. Coventry: Warwick Manufacturing Group. WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series (03/16). (Unpublished)
HAT Project Research Team. (2016) HAT Briefing Paper 5 : Rolling out HATs and creating the market for personal data - the HAT foundation. Working Paper. Coventry: Warwick Manufacturing Group. WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series (02/16). (Unpublished)
HAT Project Research Team. (2016) HAT Briefing Paper 4 : HAT personal data exchange ecosystem - technology architecture briefing. Working Paper. Coventry: Warwick Manufacturing Group. WMG Service Systems Research Group Working Paper Series (01/16). (Unpublished)
Hatdex platform ratings give hat owners and partners full transparency on hat-enabled applications
Hat-enabled applications have to declare a hatdex rating to hat owners when they request to interact with hat microservers.
This document outlines the process for the certification of HAT Platform and Service providers for admission to the HAT Ecosystem. Anyone (any natural person or corporate body) must be certified in accordance with this process before they can contribute assets (including but not limited to platforms, services, applications and other products) to the HAT Ecosystem.