HAT Microserver Governance Protocol
The HAT Microserver Governance Protocol is the top-level document that addresses what is governed, how and to what standard. HCF’s oversight and regulation of Dataswyft as a commercially licensed API Platform provider of HAT Microservers and through Dataswyft, the other main actors in the commercial network. With regard to the governance of Dataswyft and Dataswyft operations, HCF has two complementary roles:
to exercise statutory governance through its holding of the Guardian Share in Dataswyft (that maintains a mission lock on Dataswyft), and
to exercise operational governance through pro-active monitoring of Dataswyft’s statutory governance and its ongoing approach to assuring Network actors as well as “self-assurance” of its own protocols, including the legal framework.
HCF’s approach to governance is “eyes-on, hands-off” although must specifically agree Dataswyft’s proposals to change the following Control Documentation:
Dataswyft Articles of Association – regarding the rights of the Guardian Shareholder;
HCF-Dataswyft operating and licencing agreement that covers amongst other things:
the basis of Dataswyft’s certification as the HAT Microserver API Platform Provider – being exclusive until 2027 – and the licencing and use of trademarks,
empowerment of Dataswyft to admit (and sub-licence) Network actors using HAT Microservers as data accounts providing they remain members of HCF, and
Dataswyft’s obligations to maintain the open-source HAT technology under HCF’s supervision;
HAT Microserver Legal Framework documentation (maintained by Dataswyft), including PDA Owner Agreement and Privacy Policy;
Server Rating System (maintained by Dataswyft); and
Dataswyft operating protocols for amending and/or updating APIs and the access to self-sovereign data in HAT Microservers.
Neither Dataswyft nor HCF hold any accountability for the compliance of Network actors with the requirements of ICO, FCA or other regulatory bodies but Dataswyft will take reasonable measures to ensure that this is the case before admitting them to participate in the ecosystem and as members of HCF.