Why - Rationale for HCF
The HAT Microserver is a pioneering technology (integrated with economic and legal disciplines) that aims to transform the way in which we use the internet: to properly personalise our interaction across the Internet whilst preserving privacy and, most importantly, giving individuals, M/SMEs control and legal ownership of their self-sovereign data. As such, it provides a solution for many of today’s problems.
At its conception and at the advice of the original Hub-of-All-Things research project, it was realized that proper governance over how the HAT and self-sovereign data works was an essential contributor to the wellbeing of, and utility enjoyed by Server Owners. Such governance is not the job of government and must go well beyond the remit of ICO and current data protection legislation as self-sovereign data ownership crosses physical boundaries. HCF was formed to provide the necessary governance over the commercial interest in the HAT Microserver deployments and usage as the network develops.
Although HCF is primarily established for governance of the HAT Microserver network, it also assumes the responsibility to ensure maintenance and development of the HAT open source assets – the baseline HAT Microserver technology and ongoing research outputs to ensure that the network continues to innovate and grow for the benefit of Server Owners.
Operational responsibility rests with a small board of directors (or trustees) accountable to both the Membership and to Server Owners through an independent Ethics and Governance Board.